How to turn a missed rendezvous between Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) and Community Seed Banks (CSB) into a “happy end love story”? Find it out during the free CSA4CSB webinar organized by URGENCI, INRAE and ECLLD on April 15 at 2pm CET

Community. Both CSA and CSB start with this world, but they have different ways to build and promote communities revolving around the concept of sustainable food production.

Community Seed Banks (CSBs) are emerging as part of informal seed systems to counteract the loss of locally adapted crops through dynamic, collective management. Community Supported Agriculture (CSAs) are community-based organizations of producers and consumers, providing mutual support and sharing the risks and benefits of food production (find out more here).

Exploring new ways to create stronger connections between Community Seed Banks and Community Supported Agriculture: this is the main goal of the free CSA4CSB webinar organized by the DYNAVERSITY project partners URGENCI, INRAE and ECLLD on April 15 from 2pm to 3.30pm CET.

How to turn a missed rendezvous between CSA and CSB into a “happy end love story”? Starting from this key question, the webinar will explore many other crucial related questions. Are alternative food models like CSA fulfilling their promise of restoring farmers’ autonomy to cultivate their own seeds? How can CSA members take a more active part in the renewal and rebirth of diversity? How can Community Seed Banks embrace the CSA’s mission and support their activities?


Véronique Chable, Senior Scientist, INRAE, the main author of The seed from my plate: from the origins of agriculture and seeds to an invitation to change the world

Pierre Besse, an organic vegetable grower, a seed saver from the South-Western part of France, and the co-author of several essays and articles on the issue of organic farming and CSA.

Matthias Lorimer, the Secretary of the European Coordination Let’s Liberate Diversity

The panel will be facilitated by Jocelyn Parot, General Secretary of URGENCI, the international network of CSA.

Register here for the CSA4CSB webinar – Registrations closed

April 15, 2021, 2:00pm – 3.30 pm CET

Watch the full CSA4CSB webinar

Download the report of the CSA4CSB webinar


Image &video credits: URGENCI