It was a full house for the opening of the photography exhibit  “DYNAVERSITY – Plant, People and the Future of Food” on April 6th in Italy. The event was held at 6pm in Scandicci, Tuscany, in the brand new headquarter of Rete Semi Rurali, DYNAVERSITY partner.

After a guided tour at the new location, called Casa della biodiversità (House of biodiversity), an opening ceremony was organized. Véronique Chable of the Institut national de la recherche agronomique (INRA), Mario Marino of the Food and Agriculture Organization and Cyrille Pacteau of the Reseau Semences Paysannes attended the event highlighting the importance of diversity in agriculture and the whole food chain.

After the ceremony, all the participants walked through the inspiring images of the DYNAVERSITY exhibit. The exhibit portraits community of people experimenting new ways to promote agrobiodiversity, combining tradition and innovation in agriculture.

Knowledge, Innovation, Heritage, Networks: 40 photographs are articulated in these 4 thematic pathways, featuring the stories of different farm sites and promoting the value of diversity in agriculture, from the seed to the plate.

Music, dance and fun followed the opening of the exhibit, with the great live concert by the Duo Etrusco Quintet.

The pictures by Italian photographer Italo Rondinella ( were taken in Italy, Ireland, Hungary, France, and Spain. The exhibit opening in Tuscany was the very first step: in the next months, DYNAVERSITY – Plant, people and the future of Food” will travel across Europe.

Photo credits: Italo Rondinella – / DYNAVERSITY Project – / CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License)