Dynaversity I Annual meeting took place on January 15th and 16th in Budapest, in the super nice rooms of the Impact Hub and at the Central Eastern University.

After introduction by the coordinator, Daniel Traon, from Arcadia international, local Dynaversity partner Bálint Balász, from Environmental Social Science Research Group (ESSRG), opened with a workshop on terms and concepts to describe the work done by multiple actors in Plant genetic resources for food and agriculture (PGRFA) defined and discussed in the past few months within WP1.

Case studies were then discussed with the coordination of Stephanie Klaedtke, from Université de Liege. This is the core activity of WP2 of the project and will occupy the next few months of work and research within the project.

In the afternoon, all partners moved to the Central European University where the partners took part to a workshop on context, led by Riccardo Bocci of Rete Semi Rurali; a discussion on the link between in situ and ex situ conservation, led by Mathieu Thomas of Cirad, and a brainstorming activity on the collaboration between protected areas and local farmers, coordinated by Corrado Teofili, by Federparks.

The afternoon closed with a public activity, a round table organized by Guntra Aistara, researcher at the CEU and member of the Dynaversity consortium. The event focused on “Dynamic diversity in organic farming networks” and the discussion started from and around the book Organic Sovereignties: Struggles over Farming in an Age of Free Trade.

Daniel Traon, Dynaversity coordinator, opened the event with Laszlo Pinter, from CEU. Commentary was animated by Bálint Bálasz and Stephanie Klaedtke, and Dynaversity project was presented to the audience by Riccardo Bocci and Veronique Chable, from INRA.

The second and last day of the Annual meeting was instead more focused on internal activities, revising the WPs progresses, the events ahead in 2019, the coordination with related projects and the deliverables timeline. Next year meeting will take place in Florence.