Dynaversity partner Red Andaluza de Semillas “Cultivando Biodiversidad”, part of the European Coordination Let’s Liberate Diversity, has organized the first meeting in Andalusia on Community Seed bank within the local XV Feria Andaluza de la Biodiversidad Agrícola (Andalusian Fair of Agrobiodiversity). Overall, the events encompass a few days of discussions, meetings, exchanges, local varieties and networking activities.

The meeting was taking place on October 12th, in the afternoon, while the Feria was much longer, lasting from the 12th to the 14th of October.

The community seed banks were invited to take part to both events not only to participate in the meeting but also to organize stands where they could expose and exchange seeds and products.

Rete Semi RuraliRéseau Semences Paysannesformicablu and other Dynaversity interested parties were also present!