Dynaversity partner project, Farmer’s Pride, similarly funded under Horizon 2020, is establishing the European Network for In Situ Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources. The project launched in November 2017 and is also 3-year long.

Farmer’s Pride will bring together stakeholders and sites across the region and coordinate actions to conserve diversity for crop enhancement and adaptation in the future. The project aims at building a collaborative network for on-site conservation and sustainable use of Europe’s plant diversity for food, nutrition and economic security throughout the region.

Farmer’s Pride involves more than 40 national and international organizations representing stakeholder groups with an interest in the conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources, either as project partners, members of our External Advisory Board, or as Farmer’s Pride Ambassadors.

Among the activities undertaken by the project there is also a multi language stakeholder consultation available on the project’s website (accessible also from here) aimed at understanding which stakeholders are involved or have an interest in the conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources in situ.