Dynaversity started its activity building on the experiences and knowledge raised within a number of related projects. One of them, DIVERSIFOOD, is coming to an end in 2019 and it is organizing its final congress on 10th-12th December 2018, at the Couvent des Jacobins, Center of Congress in Rennes, France.
Information on the programme, call for abstracts and logistic can be found on the congress website.
DIVERSIFOOD results and key lessons will be shared, covering 5 key concepts connected with crop diversity for resilient sustainable food systems:
- Underutilized/forgotten crops: multi-actor and on farm evaluation
- New approaches of plant breeding for diversified and sustainable farming systems
- Community biodiversity management
- Diversity and sustainability within food systems: new relationships among actors
- Paradigm shift for multi-actor and transdisciplinary research
The congress will provide inputs to shape DIVERSIFOOD messages for the future, on how to better embed crop diversity for resilient sustainable food systems and move toward a real socio-ecological transition.
This scientific Congress will be opened for external oral speakers and/or poster presentations, to better connect sister projects and researches with DIVERSIFOOD outputs.
Attended participants: Researchers, Policy makers, Foundations, NGOs, Farmer Organisations, Value chain actors.